Learn how time works in Athena
Time in the Athena Framework has two different options.
Server Time
Minutes Per Minute
Server Time (Default)
Server time is the default setting that uses the local timezone of the server to set the time in the server. Which means that an in real life day is an in-game day.
This can be enabled / disabled in the main athena configuration under USE_SERVER_TIME
Minutes Per Minute
This type of time lets you apply how many minutes should the world time should increase per minute. Example being that if a minute has passed you can specify for in-game minutes to increase by 5.
This can be enabled by turning off USER_SERVER_TIME
to the amount of minutes... per minute.
Why was this added?
When you have an international audience for your server it's best to give both day, and night to all timezones. Minutes Per Minute allows this to happen.
Last updated