Frequently asked questions.
What is Athena?
Athena is a Roleplay Framework that lets developers build out their custom Roleplay Server on the alt:V Client. It includes a plethora of tools and APIs to quickly build a robust Roleplay Server.
Can non-developers use this?
Yes, but also no. It is highly recommended that you at least have a small understanding of JavaScript to work with TypeScript. This Framework is recommended for developers, and modders who like to tweak and create code.
How often is Athena Updated?
Athena is updated at a very frequent rate. Meaning that the latest commits are always public and can always be pulled down.
However, the end user is responsible for pulling these changes and maintaining their private fork of this repository.
Server Specification Recommendations
You do not need a ton of RAM for a GTA:V server. Make sure you're not overdoing it. I've seen large player cap servers paying for 64GB of RAM which is completely unnecessary.
If you are not handling millions of customers at a time then MongoDB is more than sufficient for your Roleplay server. MongoDB and Javascript go hand in hand and it's extremely easy to work with MongoDB.
MongoDB simply lets you store javascript objects into a database and that makes synchronization of data, adding new fields, and managing player data VERY easy.
Can I use MySQL?
Sure, but you're going to have write the interface and disconnect MongoDB from the current gamemode. If you are not sure what you're doing then this task might seem impossible.
How do I use a CDN?
CDNs need to have a lower TTL time of about 1 to 10 minutes if you are making frequent updates. It is highly recommended that you only use a CDN when you are deploying your infrastructure and going into production mode. You may follow alt:V's CDN guide as a general setup guide.
Side note: It's a lot easier than it seems. Tried it myself without any issues.
Downloads are super slow?
If you are running a production server without a CDN it is highly recommended that you get a CDN as soon as possible to split the load between downloading server files and playing on the server.
Theoretical Player Limitations?
The Athena framework has not been tested with high player counts yet. However, compared to the old code of O:RP and the steps I've taken to ensure that client's get the best performance they can. I do believe Athena is capable of handling at least 600 players at a time. However, this will only apply to the vanilla version of Athena which means not using any additional mods.
For those who are looking to host a voice server you will likely end up hitting a cap of around 800 players as TeamSpeak may only handle 800 users at any given time.
It's recommended you split your server into two groups and provided the same features and functionality on both servers if you have a larger player base.
Obviously, you should not be running these servers on the same infrastructre.
What Version am I using?
Check your package.json
and check under version
Interfaces are sometimes laggy or delayed.
Turn down your MSAA in your graphics settings. It apparently happens depending on your graphics card. Turning MSAA down to x2 instead of x4 or x8 instantly fixes this issue. It's a strange bug that alt:V has but nobody has a lead on.
What server hosts do your recommend for deployment?
OVH (Game Servers Only), Linode, Avoro, AWS. I do not recommend a server host that cannot provide you a linux shell you can connect to and customize for your server's deployment and get the right database software installed. Look for a dedicated server or a vps that isn't just over FTP. You should be uploading your gamemode to a private repository and pulling it down on your server.
How do I switch branches?
Depending on your needs you can switch branches if you clone down the repository by performing the following commands in your terminal/console.
If you made local changes you will need to either commit them or stash them before changing branches.
What is Ares?
Ares is the backend service and Discord Authorization handler. Ares provides a simple way for your users to easily log into your server by Authenticating with Discord through their browser.
Do I have to use Discord?
If you wish to use a whitelist and some other features then the answer is yes. However, you may remove the Discord based login and you will have to make a large amount of changes to unhook the Discord Authentication service.
It is highly recommended to use oAuth2 as you will not be responsible for storing sensitive player information like passwords.
Last updated