Task Timeline
Playing ped natives in a specific order.
Task timelines can be incredibly useful but they are also very limited in functionality. They basically allow you to override a player's inputs and make them do something specific with natives on client-side.
Understanding how they work though is a bit tricky.
What Makes a 'Task'
Tasks are just natives with slightly obscure parameters.
Let's take the native.taskGoToCoordsAnyMeans
as an example.
Normal Native
Task Object
Notice how we do not specify ped
in the parameters.
That is inheritely added when we call the task.
Our arguments we are passing just remove the ped
entry and we have very similar arguments.
Simple Walking to and From Task
Let's say that when you start a job you want them to walk from Point A to Point B automatically. This can be achieved through a task timeline.
openSpot is a pre-defined parameter
Preview of the Above Example
In the above example I never touched my keyboard to perform the walking
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